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Тексты песен —
Исполнители на «C» —
Cher —
Woman's World
Текст, слова песни Cher - Woman's World Альбом — Closer To The Truth, год — 2013
I'm dancin' solo In the dark on the club floor I need to let it go Shake it off stop thinkin' about you
I lose myself in the beat of the drum Tryin' try-tryin' to forget what you done done But honey this is a battle that you haven't won
Torn up, busted, taken apart I've been broken down Left with a broken heart But I'm stronger Strong enough to rise above This is a woman's world This is a woman's world
Tell the truth This is a woman's world Tell the truth This is a woman's world
And I'm stronger Strong enough to rise above This is a woman's world This is a woman's world
Tell the truth This is a woman's world Tell the truth This is a woman's world
And I'm stronger Strong enough to rise above This is a woman's world This is a woman's world
Love Hurts, your lies, they cut me But now your words don't mean a thing I don't give a damn if you ever love me
'Cause it don't matter I'm movin' on Go-gonna lose myself in the beat of the drum 'Cause honey this is a battle that you haven't won
Torn up, busted, taken apart I've been broken down Left with a broken heart But I'm stronger Strong enough to rise above This is a woman's world This is a woman's world
Tell the truth This is a woman's world Tell the truth This is a woman's world
And I'm stronger Strong enough to rise above This is a woman's world This is a woman's world
Tell the truth This is a woman's world Tell the truth This is a woman's world
And I'm stronger Strong enough to rise above This is a woman's world This is a woman's world
All the women in the world Stand up come together now This is a woman's world Everybody in the club Stand up come together now This is a woman's world All the women in the world Stand up come together now This is a woman's world Everybody in the club Stand up come together now This is a woman's world
Tell the truth This is a woman's world Tell the truth This is a woman's world
And I'm stronger Strong enough to rise above This is a woman's world This is a woman's world
Tell the truth This is a woman's world Tell the truth This is a woman's world
And I'm stronger Strong enough to rise above This is a woman's world This is a woman's world
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